We know you want your child to be successful. You’ve invested a lot of your time and energy in their upbringing, to say nothing of a lot of money, especially for their college education. We get it. We have children, too.

Your child is at a critical juncture in his or her life. That first job will have a profound effect on your child’s future. If it’s not the right job, they will come home (to your home, not their own apartment) depressed or frustrated, and possibly broke. Over time, they may give up on achieving their dreams and settle for “just a job.” That’s not what you want for them.

You want them to be working in a field and in a job that will energize them and enable them to grow into the responsible adults you raised them to become.

Your child may be getting advice by well-meaning adults or even at the college career services office. While these people may be well meaning, their perspective is pretty much limited to their own career and industry, which may or may not be appropriate for your child, and it may not be current advice, which is also essential. As for the advice from colleges, well, let’s be honest. They are not in the business of career coaching and job search advice. You pay them tuition and room & board, and in turn, they provide your child an education and a dorm room. That’s their deal.

So who can help your child figure out what to do and how to get there? A reputable and experienced career coach is the answer. If you already know someone good in that line of work, great, call them today. But if not, we hope you will give us a call to talk about your child’s situation. As the slogan says, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”  Let’s get moving.

Bridget Hotrum